Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some common questions about First Time Guests, environment, culture & hospitality. 

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Why did you start first time guests?

After attending numerous churches around Southern California, we were shocked at our experiences. Many churches we attended lacked preparation, service, and direction for new guests. Week after week we debriefed our visit, always concluding with strategies that could add value and intention to each individual church. 

One Sunday, we left a mega-church (one of the largest in the country), looked at each other and said, "if a guest attended with little-to-no church experience, they would likely never come back." This stirred our passion for hospitality, service, and culture inspiring us to help churches expand the Kingdom and bring awareness to to the importance of impression. 

are you just going to be cynical?

NO. we stand in opposition to cynicism, negativity, and arrogance. We are for your church and want to help you be the best representation of Jesus. 

we haven't had new guests in years, do you think you can help?

Absolutely! First, new guests likely don't even know your church exists until they: 

  • See your social media profile and/or website.
  • Are invited by a friend.
  • Drive by your church facility. 

All of these are rooted in having a positive first impression and reflect your church, for good or bad. 

Having new guests usually has little to do with the worship set or sermon series. YES, those are important, but it's obvious for churches to focus on those elements.  If your desire is for new guests and attendance retention, you must begin with the myriad of vital details preceding the service. 


i think Our church is doing fine, why should we consider first time guests?

The simple answer: Fresh eyes.

Staff & volunteers become used to their own environment. Even the most intentional individuals need help to see  your setting and experience your atmosphere from a first-time perspective. We have yet to attend a church that did not have opportunities for growth and improvement. 

Why can't I just ask a guest about their EXPERIENCE?

It depends on the level of honesty and precision you want. Guests have the real conversation with their spouse/friend in the car or at a lunch table after the service; Not at the the "welcome center" with a stranger.  Many guests feel it would be rude to advise on improvement and are likely not thinking about their experience for that purpose. On the flip side, you may have an overly cynical guest that would love to tell anyone what to do and how to do it. We help bring balanced feedback and improvement with fresh eyes and hope. 

what are some key elements of HOSPITALITY?

  • Expectancy 
  • Communication  
  • Kindness
  • Inclusion 

Incorporating these elements into your first impression will increase the value given to new guests. 

if we're just faithful to preaching, people will come. right?

Not so much. Is preaching important? YES. Is it everything? No. We need to be faithful to all areas of our church. It can be difficult and vulnerable to address this topic but the reality is God cares about it all, so should we.